Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Teaser Tuesday--

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Should Be Reading.  You share two "teaser" sentences from your current read.  From any random page, but make sure not to give away any spoilers.
I am currently reading The False Prince by Jennifer Nielsen.  A young adult fantasy novel in which the main character, Conner must try to learn how to be a prince in less than three weeks or lose his life.  The storyline reminds me of Aladdin....a street urchin pretending to be royalty.  Here are my two teaser sentences.
(p. 193)  "I asked you here because you spoke honestly to me before.  If, I'd entered that room with a face smeared in mud and asked another servant how I looked, he'd have bowed and told me I looked as beautiful as ever."

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Stacking the Shelves (Week 1)

Stacking the shelves is meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews.  The idea is to share with other bloggers what you have bought, borrowed , won, gifted or traded in books for the week whether it be in either physical or ebook format. 

Books I have Bought:

Divergent (Divergent #1) by Veronica Roth--Black Friday purchase at Target for $4.00
Books I have Borrowed:
The False Prince (The Ascendance Trilogy, #1) by Jennifer A. Nielsen

The Looking Glass Wars (The Looking Glass Wars #1) by Frank Beddor

Friday, November 23, 2012

New Christmas Family Favorite--Rise of the Guardians

  • Rise of the Guardians
  • Opened November 21, 2012 | Runtime:1 hr 37 min
  • PG
    Some Mildly Scary Action and Thematic Elements
  • Generation after generation, immortal Guardians like Santa Claus (Alec Baldwin), the Easter Bunny (Hugh Jackman) and the Tooth Fairy (Isla Fisher) protect the world's children from darkness and despair. However, an evil boogeyman named Pitch Black (Jude Law) schemes to overthrow the Guardians by obliterating children's belief in them. It falls to a winter sprite named Jack Frost (Chris Pine) to thwart Pitch's plans and save the Guardians from destruction.
  • Cast: Chris Pine, Alec Baldwin, Jude Law
  • Director: Peter Ramsey
  • Genres: 3D, Action/Adventure, Animated
  • (Synopsis courtesy of Fandango)

    Instead of shopping Black Friday sales, I decided to take my youngest son to the movies.  We decided to see the early showing of  Rise of the Guardians.  I was greatly surprised at how good it was in regards to children's movies.  Some of my favorite actors lent their voices to the characters Jude Law (Pitch/The Boogeyman) and Alec Baldwin (North/Santa Claus).  I think I am one of the few people that continues to find Alec Baldwin enjoyable.  I love him  in 30 Rock. 

    The movie had a very good message about finding your "center" or what you contribute to humanity.  Santa Clause has his "eyes of wonder" and Jack  Frost must find his center in the movie.  I thought this added a nice little holiday sentiment to the movie.  I was a little puzzled about the Easter Bunny being Australian and carrying a boomerang but still found his character fun. 

    Wednesday, November 21, 2012

    Top Ten Tuesday Meme

    Top Ten Tuesday: Books/Authors I'm Thankful For
    Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by  The Broke and the Bookish This week's topic:

    Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I'm Thankful

    I am thankful for.....

    1. Dr. Seuss-- Fun rhymes and colorful characters. What great books to inspire emerging readers.
    2. Maurice Sendak--- Such glorious illustrations and memorable stories. Let the wild rumpus begin!!
    3. L Frank Baum--for getting me through summers at my dad's house in Texas. I would have rather been in Oz.
    4. Beverly Cleary--for creating such a rambunctious little girl named Ramona. Laugh out loud fun!!

    5. L.M. Montgomery---for another great girl heroine, Anne Shirley. 
    6. J.K. Rowling--for creating such a great series that parents can share with their children. What started out as a book for my ten year old son at the time, turned into a shared family experience that has lasted through many years and many children of my family.
    7. S.E. Hinton---for helping me get through the teen years with great characters. Later, some wonderful 80s movies with a lot of cute fan crushes (i.e. Matt Dillon & Rob Lowe).

    8. Terry Brooks--for the world of Shanarra and wonderful fantasy adventure.
    9. Robert Asprin--for the Thieves' World anthologies and the Myth series. 
    10.Ray Bradbury---for your genius and insight.

    Thursday, November 15, 2012

    Gratitude List for November 15, 2012
    1. My mom
    2. My children and pets
    3. Coffee
    4. A good book
    5. My home